1、 托运人有义务在托运前告知货物的详细资料, 托运货物是合法流通,包装内不夹带任何违禁(包括烟、酒在内)、危险物品,外包装箱封条完好。如果因为资料不清楚或者故意隐瞒真实资料,而被海关扣货以及罚没, 从而产生的费用,罚金及相关法律责任,全部由托运人承担。
4、 因托运单填写错误或资料不全引起货物不能及时出运,错运目的地, 提单错误不能结汇, 目的地收货人不能提货等而产生的一切责任,风险, 纠纷, 费用等概由托运人承担。
1、The shipper has the obligation to inform the goods before deliery in details, the shipment of goods circulation, packaging is lawful doesn't carry any illegal (including cigarettes, liquor), dangerous goods, the packing seal intact. If the data is not clear because conceal true or intentionally by the customs, and shall undertake the cost, thus fines and related legal responsibility, all by the shipper.
2、The shipper shall truthfully declare commodity name, value, in check book value column indicate the value of goods and pay insurance premium, otherwise, such as lost, stolen, damage and compensation of the accident, procure goods consigned by book for 20 yuan per kg weight, In case of accident statement value of goods, the compensation according to the statement of the insured value or direct economic losses (both choose one).
3、The shipper for importing goods to declare and pay tariff warehouse rent and return expenses.
4、Check for errors or single complete information, goods not timely shipment by mistake, bills of lading error cannot be shipped destination delivery can exchange, destination consignee and all responsibility for such risk, disputes, and expenses by the shipper shall bear.
5、The international air transport billing weight: We calculate shipping charge according to higher one between weight and volume (the calculated quomodo of volume weight is : length × width × height CM/6000 = KG) (the phone sets billing except). The international express charging weight: We calculate shipping charge according to higher one between weight and volume (the calculated quomodo of volume weight is : length × width × height CM/5000 = KG) (the phone sets billing except).
6、The shipper must earnestly provide payment and fees detail, booking confirmation unless the shipper as special reasons, otherwise will not accept the changes of expenses.
7、In the course of carriage, goods in case of delayed seizure caused goods and economic loss, we do not assume responsibility.
8、On receipt of goods, if the consignee that we should do all obligations has performed.
9、Because of the following reasons causing the loss, short, metamorphic and pollution or damage, the carrier shall not be liable for:
A, force majeure.
B, the goods caused by nature itself, damaged or bad, loss.
C, packing method, but the poor quality or containers from external cannot be found.
D, Packaging integrity of the seals without unusual form and the inner parts deficient.